Monday 2 November 2009

What's Gonna Work? Teamwork

Tahniah kepada Mpp 09 / 10 yang dah menang.
Tanggungjawab menanti diri anda.
Manifesto / janji yang dah ditabur2kan, jangan lupa pulak!

You're now a little bit bigger now
Thus, watch your language,
watch your action
and watch your emotion.

Put your effort to the fullest.
Because this is what you have chosen,
thus work for it. A Team-Work.

Terlambat pulak nak wish congratz n good luck.


  1. 1st skali
    trima kasih kepada sesapa yg bersusah payah utk menaikkan nama fizree azreen..
    gerak kerja dah diatur..
    walaupon masih belom bergelar mpp rasmi...
    bak kata obama
    "A change we can believe in"

  2. sebagai ex-mpp kat KMB dulu, i wud say, a long the journey, usually budak2 mpp will realise how difficult it is to ever generate one single change in KMB...too little n limited power and authority but too many things to be taken care of...

    untuk adik2 yang dah jadi mpp, if you dont put the appointment up for Allah and His deen, dont bother putting it up for anything else lah...being an MPP is not something to be cherished, it's an obligation which will be asked in the do your very best.

    to the seniors, do guide them.

    salam iman.

    ex-vice pres 07/09

  3. Thanx for comments and ideas
    And also welcome to this blog

    Harapan masih tetap kami harapkan walau sedikit
    Mudah2an dengan MPP baru ni boleh menjadi pemangkin
    Btw, terima ksih untuk sharing pengalaman

    Moga2 usaha dan doa berkadaran dengan harapan yang diletakkan

